So for this Session, let's get back to basics. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose early drinking career featured pale lager in abundance, so consider this a return to our roots as beer drinkers. Don't even think about cheating the system: leave your doppelbocks and schwarzbiers out of this one: I want pilsners, light lagers, helleses and those ones that just say "beer" because, well, what else would it be?
I want to know what's so great about them, and what's awful. Are we talking just lawnmowers, barbecues and sun holidays here, or is there a time for some thoughtful considered sipping of a cold fizzy lager?
Actually, scratch that last question: there is. It's on Friday 6th March, at your blog, and leave me a comment here (or e-mail me) when your post is up. Twittarians, remember to include #thesession on your tasting tweets, and we can all watch the results come in here.

Look, I didn't say it was going to be fun or interesting. Just get out there and have what the next guy's having.
Trouble with lager these days is that the brewers have to make them suitable for mainstream consumption.
ReplyDeleteI actually started on bitter way back when... drinking in old country pub around Essex. I remember the Hoop in Stock with fond delight, necking 3 pints of Owd Rodger before falling into the fire!
Anyway, we HAD to resort to lager drinking since most pubs were incapable of keeping a good ale and went for the much easier and robust barrels of mainstream lager.
For something light and palatable you simply cannot beat a good light summer ale!
The question I'd like to explore includes the phrase "suitable for mainstream consumption", and why it's used pejoratively.
ReplyDeleteI never understand why the word lager is treated with general contempt in some quarters. It's not like all lagerbiers are mass-produced muck, although many are yellow and fizzy. Mmmm. Then again, living in Lagerland I don't have as many options.
ReplyDeleteAlthough it's a pity you want to leave out the bocks and schwarzbiers from the consideration :D
This is definitely not about fancy lagers. This is about, for want of a better phrase, a pint of plain.
ReplyDeleteNow off you go to buy some lovely Warsteiner.
Excellent topic. I realize that I can't say that without seeming sarcastic but you are bringing it all home with this one and forcing a question. I am looking forward to the collective wisdom and admission, something that a topic like "my favorite beer memory" or "what's your favorite colour of beer" could never capture.
ReplyDeleteThank you Alan. All I'll say is that reading some of the barbs you've directed at previous Session topics certainly helps focus the mind.
ReplyDeleteOne has a role. One has a purpose.
ReplyDeleteSo does a 10 degree Czech pale lager qualify? Budvar? Mostly curiosity because I'm figuring I will be contemplating a sub 4% abv German hell leicht.
ReplyDeleteYes, as one of those taken-for-granted, this-is-what-beer-means-here sort of lagers, I reckon it counts.
ReplyDeleteAs long as you've lived most of your life in České Budějovice, of course :P
Great topic. I like the restrictions; it'll keep things focused.
ReplyDeleteSo, just to clarify, it must be common, get it anywhere lager (in your jurisdiction of course) to qualify? So, for me the Warsteiners, Veltins, Becks, Brinkhoffs and Pinkus Müller kinds of pils or lagers? ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat do you define as a fancy lager? One man's fancy might be another man's pint of plain, if you're really lucky! :D
I might be tempted by this session...
A fancy lager is one which says something other than "beer" on the label :P
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing such things don't exist in your neck of the woods so I'll direct you towards those that call themselves pils or helles. But they have to be ones that the ordinary, conservative, bloke-down-the-pub drinks regularly.
How about a quick straw poll at the office?
Actually, I think the ones I mentioned, plus Krombacher, are the mainstays. At least they are the ones that always feature at the office partys. Apart from the Pinkus unfortunately. But yes, an office poll would provide an interesting perspective! I've been meaning to do a beer survey here anway...
ReplyDeleteIs that the Irish Warsteiner beernut?
ReplyDeleteNot in Germany, I'd say. War∫teiner rather than Warsteiner.
ReplyDeletehmmmmm, I think I might participate. I can educate everyone on VB
ReplyDeleteMunich, Germany
ReplyDeleteI actually sell Carlsberg - maybe I could write about that.
ReplyDeleteBut I'll forget when the day comes and just post something about my ankle or something.
Nice topic. Can I witter on about Augustiner Edelstoff?
ReplyDeleteI'm having a bottle of honey brown at the moment. I like it. There's a lot more honey in it than most beers that claim to be honey beers.
Absolutely not!* It's far from Edelstoff you were raised. A lovely pint of Kilkenny-brewed Carlsberg: much better.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you got major honey flavours from this. Even Sleeman's, I thought, has clearer honey notes. Barbar is where the real honey action is, I think. Have you tried it?
*Well you can if you want.
Tis true. I might go back to my roots for this post.
ReplyDeleteI just got a bottle of Barbar on my last off license trip. I'll be trying it soon.
I will be posting my comments at http;//mawpeg838.blogspot.com, around 2am Chicagoland time, looking forward to seeing other comments.
ReplyDeleteWe've posted a podcast for this topic rather than a standard post. We're pretty excited about it -- it was a blast. Fantastic topic.
Well, my humble offering can be found here.
ReplyDeleteMy contribution will be at http://blog.flowerysong.com/2009/03/06/the-session-25-love-lager/
ReplyDeleteI'm in!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHere's mine. Local local? Bah!
Here's my entry: http://www.betterbeerblog.com/index.php/2009/03/06/the-session-25-vision-of-lager-love/
I love this theme, Beer Nut. Thanks for being daring.
ReplyDeleteHere's my contribution:
Am I a bad person for liking Dutch Gold? An aquired taste from college that I can't un-aquire....
ReplyDeleteHere's my post for today's Session:
Thanks for hosting!
My post is up at Musings Over a Pint
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting and keeping us on topic!
Thanks for hosting here is my post.
Matt C.
I decided to finally get involved with The Session this month .Here's my roundup: http://www.pintlog.com/2009/03/session-25-love-lager-meditation-on.html
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting!
Here's my Lager Session entry on Session Lager.
ReplyDeleteHere is my humble contribution:
I'm up; gotta go.
My thoughts are posted here:
larging it up with babes and babes and babes..
Hey my The Session contribution. I liked this alot. Thanks. Here is my post http://www.ew3.us/?p=700
ReplyDeleteAt least it's something...
Great theme - I really, really prefer when the themes for these are actual styles. Here's mine: http://tr.im/h6Ks
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting!
Slightly late, but we've been at a homebrew competition all day! Beer-O-Vision's contribution is my experience stewarding the Light Lager and Pilsner category. Apologies if it's slightly short; it's late and I have to be back at the competition in six hours :)
My (late) Session post is here:
Thanks for hosting!
Mybeerpix' contribution to the session: http://www.mybeerpix.com/session-no-25-love-lager/
ReplyDeleteJohn, thanks for hosting. Here's mine:
Another late contribution :
I blame midterms.
really nice.