The main point of the testing centred on Leffe Tripel: I tend to blithely deride the Leffe range as being ersatz factory-made versions of proper Belgian beer, but does that stand up to scrutiny? Obviously a genuine Trappist had to go in the mix for contrast, and I chose Westmalle Tripel, which I believe to be my favourite. From the abbey beers I took Bosteels Tripel Karmaliet -- an old reliable -- and Maredsous Tripel by big boys Duvel-Mortgaat, one I'd liked on the only previous occasion I'd tasted it. Finally I needed a wild card, a tripel I'd never had before and knew nothing about. This quest was answered by Tripel Horse, extra wild card points for being not Belgian, but from the River Horse brewery in New Jersey.

The first thing to say is that, although the beers were discernably different, they were all recognisably tripels: all had the powerful boozy heat (ABVs ranged from 8 to 10), the heavy sugary body and the spicy Belgian complexity. It was the minor differences in these elements that set them apart.
My least favourite was far and away the palest in colour with much more fizz than the others. The nose was incredibly sweet with an artificial syrup thing going on. It tasted heavily of cheap ginger ale and was drinkable but not very enjoyable over all. Amazingly, this turned out to be Tripel Karmaliet. Mrs Beer Nut liked it for its subtle floral notes and ranked it second; the best I can say is that I later got used to it. None went to waste.
Second-last was the haziest, with the biggest head of foam. It was the sweetest of the lot, reeking of dark sugar and with a big banana flavour among the spices, something I consider a flaw in the Belgian-style ales I've made myself. There's a certain balance to it, but mostly it tastes like tripel-by-numbers, made without the attentions of a caring brewer. No surprise here that it turned out to be Leffe Tripel.
Right in the middle there was another fairly heavy-going one, the darkest in colour with very little head or sparkle. Not so much spice or fruit here, just lots of heat and a hint of marker pens. Tripel isn't supposed to be an easy drinking style, so most of this can be forgiven, leaving a serious and heady sipper. This was the wife's favourite: Maredsous Tripel.
Which leaves the Trappist and the American vying for the top spot. Knock me down with a feather if Westmalle Tripel didn't come second. The aroma of this was gorgeous: subtle perfume, masking any hot sugary booze smells. The spices are to the fore on tasting: there's a hoppy bite at the front which is a little harsh, but then fades to allow lavender and cloves through. Beautiful, but not as nice as...
... Tripel Horse. Another powerhouse like the Maredsous at 10% ABV, but doesn't really show signs of all that alcohol. Instead it has zest: a zingy aroma followed by lemons and mandarins on the palate for an invigorating refreshing effect, enhanced by a vigorous sparkle. The finish is sweet and sugary, but not in an unpleasant cloying way -- sweet and lip-smacking instead. Would I have credited it as an American take on a Belgian style? Never in a million beers.
And then there was the unpleasant business of disposing of the guts of five bottles of tripel. It's hard work this blind tasting lark, but rewarding nonetheless.
Did you wear a white coat this time? And scream about how they all called you mad? Have you ever noticed that the 'mad scientists' in films are actually mad engineers. They never have a control or even a falsifiable hypothesis.
ReplyDeleteGood on the Americans for beating the Belgians at their own tripel game.
Great fun bl;ind tastings and a good way of keeping your self honest.
ReplyDeleteI consistently fail to pick out Tripel Karmeliet in blind tastings, despite having drunk bucketlaods of the stuff and really liking it.
Very interesting post BN, I can't say I expected the interloper to win either, but will certainly give it a go if I ever come across it.
ReplyDeleteI always felt that the Westmalle was supposed to be the "reference" tripel and quite the spicy one. And even though I have often enjoyed Tripel Karmaliet, I never really felt it was like other ones I have had. Did you get the Triple Horse locally? I'd like to try it.
ReplyDeleteMy poor opinion of Tripel Karmaliet was the biggest surprise here -- I've drank a fair bit of it too and always liked it.
ReplyDeleteJohn, the Triple Horse was from DrinkStore. Anywhere that carries the range from California Wine Imports (ie any decent offie) should be able to get hold of it.
Dave, wouldn't the rigorous application of scientific method critically compromise the "mad" part of the epithet?
ReplyDeleteWestmalle is easily my favorite out of that bunch and for obvious reasons! I've never been able to enjoy Leffe Blonde but that's just because their beer is just too infused with that "spiced" flavor for me. I assume it's coriander? Please correct me on that one if I'm wrong.
Am surprised at your results with the Tripel Karmaliet. But then again, blind taste tests have a serious way of doing some very strange things and ended with big surprises. ;)
Nice post. I thought the River Horse was pretty bad. Agree with the rest of them though.
ReplyDeleteRiver horse Triple was nice but their double white B(wit) was appalling
ReplyDeleteMy fave is Achel, which I find richly Belgian - sweet, floral, heady. The bruin I can take or leave but I do love their tripel:
I must try that Tripel Horse, though, as it comes with your seal of approval!
I did like the Achel Blond the one time I had it, though it's so smooth and light that I'd barely credit it as a tripel, for blind tasting purposes at least.
ReplyDeleteMust pick up some tripel horse some time and give it a go.