No traditional Dutch food for me, though, just beer. Jopen's 6.5% ABV black IPA, Black Hop Sun, was on the menu. This has a strange but not unpleasant sweet and herbal aroma, of basil and incense. The flavour, too, is sweet to begin, starting on uncharacteristic candy and vanilla. That quickly butts up against a hard bitterness which is part green and metallic hops and part astringently dry roast. It's not very well integrated, and while it does have the boldness of good black IPA, it's rather severe and difficult drinking.
That's the tall glass. The squat taster beside it is Piece of Cake: Apple Pie Crumble, by Frontaal. This one is 10% ABV. The name indicates what it's supposed to taste like, but it doesn't. It's very sticky, and the aroma goes large on brittle toffee. In the flavour that translates to burnt caramel, coming after a warm and cake-like sweet flavour. There's perhaps a little apple -- stewed, not crisp -- but none of the buttery biscuit side that is the whole point of crumble. I liked it, as a walloping big dessert stout, but it doesn't quite deliver on its promise.

And while we're on bizarre names, the barley wine beside it is called A Walking Study in Demonology, and comes from the Low Key Barrel Project in Kent, collaborating with the candymen of Vault City in Edinburgh. There's blood orange, maple syrup, tonka beans and brown sugar all wrapped up in this 12.4% ABV package. It's a dark brown colour and has an aroma that's simultaneously sweet and sour. There's a very boozy heat, and while it's sweet, it's not heavy. I couldn't help thinking a beer like this should be heavy, to give it a comforting warmth. This doesn't have that but it does have tonka's inescapable cinnamon flavour, and a squeeze of orange zest. There's not much of note beyond that. For all its convolutions, this is another quite lacklustre strong beer. Refer to Monday's post for examples of how to do these things properly.

Leiden has much better beer available than this lot. Some poor choices were made. It's just as well there was a festival of great stuff going on nearby. And when that was over, we went to Amsterdam.
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