Based on the previous two releases I had a fairly clear idea of what it would be and I wasn't wrong. We're talking the basics: hints of coffee roast on the nose, a medium-creamy mouthfeel from the nitrogenated dispense, and a fully dry flavour dominated by dark toast. A tiny hint of the coffee reappears in the finish, but there's nothing else by way individual character to mark it out. I would need a side-by-side to be sure, but it strikes me that at least two of the country's industrial nitro stouts have more complexity than this. Beamish drinkers may find it an acceptable substitute, however.
I'm being harsh, and perhaps unduly. It's a fine beer which I'm certain isn't being pitched to the lad writing tasting notes in the corner of the pub. But I'm also a stout enthusiast, and there was an opportunity here to make an exceptional, unmistakable one, and they've chosen not to. I had thought we were well past the days of Irish microbreweries mindlessly aping the output of the multinationals, but it seems to be alive and well when the brewery is funded by mainstream pubs. Full marks for that glass, though. Have a pint before they all get stolen.
Agreed, but too many are critical of stouts that have what me and you John want in a stout. “Too much roast”, “too much coffee”, “too much chocolate”, “weird flavours (if talking about vanilla, nutty or fruity flavours”. Add in a market that less free than Britain’s https://www.independent.ie/regionals/louth/dundalk-news/owner-of-award-winning-dundalk-bay-brewery-hits-out-at-big-drinks-companies/a427261449.html and you have the perfect storm.
Where are you quoting from? I don't see anyone commenting on stout like that.
DeleteI do and I can confirm a certain youtuber has said that reviewing bottles of O’ Hara’s single and double dry stouts.
Fair enough. Video beer reviews make me cringe too hard to consider watching.
DeleteTruth be told he is Guinness before he dies.
This group is a real hit to the Irish craft beer scene. Not only can you not get lines in cork due to a group of pubs only serving their own beer and heineken but now it's happening in dublin now too. If you check out their manifesto (posted on their social media site) it states under International Relations "we look forward to building ties with our friend at Diageo and Heineken".
ReplyDeleteThe Irish pub market is mostly a cartel with very few independent pubs.