The St. Peter's brewery in Suffolk presents two opening gimmicks to the punter: an 18th century-style high-shouldered bottle and a hefty (€4 here) price tag.
Their Old-Style Porter is a blend of new and old ale, quite light in colour. With most craft-brewed porters one expects a significant sharpness, but this is totally smooth. Not that it's creamy or in any way bland -- far from it. This is rich and flavoursome with a distinct chocolate kick to it. More than anything it reminds me of the chocolate ale made by Speight's in New Zealand (review here). Textbook delicious.
St. Peter's also make an Organic Ale, though with this one it's harder to see where your €4 goes. In general, I've been a bit disappointed with organic beer: brewers seem content with their Soil Association certificate as a selling point rather than putting the graft into the flavour. The St. Peter's organic is a light amber colour and tastes tangy and mildly bitter. It's decent, and stands up as a good English light ale, but it lacks the depth, richness and warmth required for promotion to the premier league.
Dark beer, it seems, is where St. Peter's excels. They also make a Cream Stout, which I haven't been able to find on sale, but you'll be the first to know when I do.
Hopfully 12 Lovers
*Origin: Ireland | Date: 2019 | ABV: 6.5% | On The Beer Nut: *December 2019
Today is Baltic Porter Day. Confelicitations to all who celebrate; the rest
of ...
1 month ago
The Cream Stout is very good too. If you're ever in Belfast there is a very good off-licence on the Ormeau Road called The Vineyard which stocks a myriad of beer. St Peter's products are usually carried, including the Cream Stout, at £2.29 a bottle.
Cheers Ed. My experience of off-licences on the Ormeau Road is limited to after-hours at the Hatfield, and the less said about those days the better...